In the last week, I have been able to promote my book, and through that been able to write an article for yoocandoanything. I was also able to do a video for Faces, the National Craniofacial association on facebook. I mention these because sometimes we wonder, what can we do, how is God going to use me. We sometimes look at our hands, and we don’t see anything. We don’t see the tools that God will eventually put into our hands to be able to use us. David was to small to kill Goliath on his own so God gave him five smooth stones. The disciples doubted, where afraid, denied, but God still used them. Peter denied Christ that He knew Jesus three different times, yet God still used him. Paul was the worse murderer of that time, yet Jesus knocked him off his feet, and he became the greatest evangelist, and wrote most of the New Testament. Though sometimes we look at ourselves, and think that we won’t be able to do what God is calling us to do because we are unable to do it.
Were right, we can’t do it, at least not on our own, that is why we need God, we need God to help us to do what it is that He wants us to do. I know for a fact that what I am doing as far as traveling around the country, doing articles and videos for disability and Christian groups, would be impossible with out God. So remember when your a child of God, and He has called you to do something for him, and you feel inadequate, you feel unable to do what He has called you to do. Thats a good thing, because if it was easy, or simple to do, you wouldn’t need God to do it. You’ll know when God has called you to do something because it will be to big for you to handle on your own. You will need God’s help for you to do it.
I hope that God continues to call me to do big things, and I hope that fear, doubt, thinking that it’s not going to happen, the feeling of defeat won’t stop me. I hope that it won’t stop you as well, we need to break down the walls, of what the enemy tells us that we can’t do, and remember that we can. Because with God all things are possible. Their’s a saying that I have, which is, can’t is not in my vocabulary, and I hope you take that along with yourself as well. I hope you take away, that when you feel that you can’t do something that God has called you to do, and you wonder why is He calling me. Because He knows that you can with his help.